How does our life coaching work?

Resiliens means Rebound and my aim is to help you discover the true you, in whatever context we are working – to rebound from whatever is holding you back. Rebounding suggests energy and movement which in turn propels you forward towards your goals.

Well firstly you’ll start to recognize the areas of your life and work where you might be stuck or out of alignment with yourself. When we are out of rapport with ourselves then we can’t be in rapport with the world around us right?

Your internal dialogue will start to change and you will begin to give yourself instructions rather than obey the negative self-talk.

You’ll begin to feel more energized, more alive, more in tune with yourself and the environment and therefore your family, friends and work colleagues.

Simply put as you start to change the way you think about the world you’ll start to feel differently. Like everything in life that’s worth having, it will be a challenge at times, but the end result Is worth it.

So how do I do it? In order to find our Purpose we have to go looking for it – its there somewhere!

“You don’t need to do something with your life, just do something with each day.”

– Kevin Ngo


We’ll work out and agree where you want to get to, what is the destination for this part of your journey. We’ll discover where you are now through an open and honest exploration of your current situation. 

With a curious mindset, knowing we are fully supported by the safe environment we will create together, we begin to explore your values, the things that make you tick and that are important to you, that give you meaning. In doing so we will re-awaken the part of you that has been stuck or has been in waiting.



Together we will identify the things that have held you back or hijacked you. You will re-connect with your strengths and identify new strategies and ways of being in the world that enable you to be more effective and productive at work. As one client put it “I feel like I’ve put on new clothes and they feel great!” 



Thinking differently now you will be in position to start to envision the future and build a plan to help you achieve it. Here you can dream dreams, build a rich picture of what your destination will be like and take the first of many practical achievable steps towards it. We will review progress regularly and make small corrections to ensure you hit the target.

The whole process is carried out with me asking lots of questions, and bringing to bear a toolkit of techniques and models that will help you gain clarity of thought and direction and de-bunk some of the beliefs and assumptions that you may have constructed along the way. It will require an honesty and openness between us through a collaborative “do with” approach. You make the changes you want not me – your success will depend on the effort you put in and I will be the catalyst or facilitator of that change.

So lets get started!!!!!